Morgan Owens

"Pursue what interests you! There is such a breadth of educational opportunities at UM."

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Morgan Owens is a major in political science and women's & gender studies from South Florida. He has represented undergraduate students as Student Government Treasurer and was involved in establishing the LGBTQ Student Center at the University of Miami.


Morgan Owens
Natalia Beadle
Major: Political ScienceWomen's & Gender Studies

What is the best part about being in your major?

For Political Science, it is the ability for classes to be connected so directly to current events: when a presidential campaign is happening, or healthcare reform being proposed, there are often classes available that examine those processes. It helps make it obvious how relevant our education can be in today’s world! For Women’s & Gender Studies, the best part about the major would be how much it has taught me about myself and my relationships with others. Issues of gender and sexuality permeate virtually all social interactions, so learning about them helps us to be more conscious of how those dynamics affect everyone differently.


What accomplishments/achievements while at UM are you most proud of?

Being part of the establishment of the LGBTQ Student Center would be the one thing I am most proud of, but I’m also thankful that I have been able to represent undergraduate students as the Student Government Treasurer during this year.


What is your favorite UM memory?

Freshman year, I joined SpectrUM (the undergraduate LGBTQ+ student organization) and was able to represent UM at the National LGBTQ Task Force’s annual convention, “Creating Change.” It completely changed my perspective on my education and what I ought to be spending my time doing while at UM, ultimately inspiring me to push for the establishment of the LGBTQ Student Center.


What influenced your UM education the most?

My professors influenced my UM education more than anything or anyone else; great minds from the Political Science and Women’s & Gender Studies faculties like Professor McGuinn, Drs. Connolly, Perez-Sanchez, and Butterman all inspired me to care more about my education. These excellent professors showed me how interesting public policy and gender studies can be, and helped me to find places where those two subjects intersected.


What are your plans after graduation?

I plan to pursue an M.P.A. at the Evans School of the University of Washington, in Seattle after I graduate. Thanks to Dr. Connolly for recommending the program to me!


What advice would you give a future ‘Cane?

Pursue what interests you! There is such a breadth of educational opportunities at UM that there’s no reason to at least try out a new subject or field of study. I got to try out Religious Studies and History courses, and while I ultimately did not pursue a major in either, I learned a lot. The college experience is so much more valuable when we take the chances to expand our personal horizons and expose ourselves to new ideas! This also applies to student organizations: my life as a student would be incomprehensibly different if I hadn’t gotten involved in a handful of student organizations. There’s little to lose, so try them out and see what you enjoy!


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April 24, 2017
