Research & Outreach

The College Arts & Sciences (A&S) at the University of Miami is an engine of interdisciplinary, world-improving research. The A&S research community is led by more than 400 faculty scholars who are redrawing the boundaries of their respective fields. 

  • Centers and Institutes – 13 collaborative research efforts across the humanities, social sciences, physics, medicine and more 

Research Opportunities for A&S Students

Central to our mission as a research university is to train both undergraduate and graduate students in the rigorous process of inquiry and analysis that results in meaningful discovery. The best way to acquire solid research skills is through original, hands-on research experience under the guidance of faculty mentors. To promote and fund student research on all levels, A&S offers a number of research grants, scholarships, and research-enriched learning opportunities.

Community Impact & Engagement

By conducting community-based research, A&S faculty are addressing the most pressing challenges to the health, education, and economic vitality of South Florida. But this “local” research has a broader impact: insight into such topics as the economic and cultural effects of population migration, the preservation of wetland species diversity, or the history of race and colonialism in world literature deepen our understanding of the world and point to solutions to our shared challenges. Learn more about the impact of A&S scholarship through the Office of Civic and Community Engagement.
