Centers & Institutes

The research centers and institutes at the College of Arts & Sciences represent some of our finest interdisciplinary collaborations and most effective community resources.

  • Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy – The mission of the Leonard and Jayne Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy is to create innovative, interdisciplinary initiatives that bridge the gap between science and environmental policy.
  • Center for Autism and Related Disabilities – CARD is an award-winning outreach and support program serving people with autism and related disabilities, as well as their families and the professionals who work with them.

  • Center for the Humanities – The Center is dedicated to supporting humanities, arts, and interpretive social science research and teaching, as well as to presenting public programs to enrich Miami’s intellectual culture.

  • European Union Center & Jean Monnet Chair – The University of Miami, in a partnership with Florida International University under the rubric of the Miami-Florida European Union Center (MFEUCE), has been home to the European Union Center of Excellence since 2000. The Miami-Florida EU Center is one of the ten universities in the United States awarded by the European Commission as Centers of Excellence. In addition, the University of Miami is also a recipient of a Jean Monnet Chair “ad personam” awarded to Professor Joaquín Roy.
  •  The George P. Hanley Democracy Center - Since its founding in 1997, The George P. Hanly Democracy Foundation's mission has been to establish nonpartisan democracy centers designed to research and disseminate the practice of the democratic process. The Center offers research grants to faculty members who study democratic policies, conduct public programming and discussion panels, and support students through internships.
  • Institute for Advanced Study of the Americas – The University of Miami Institute for Advanced Study of the Americas is an interfaculty, interdisciplinary institute promoting enhanced human, economic and social development within and across the Hemisphere through research, teaching, convening, communicating and incubating innovative projects. Its mission is to build a thriving Institute that creates and shares knowledge bridging the Americas, strengthening the myriad areas of the University of Miami undertaking research pertaining to the Hemisphere.

  • Institute of the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas (IMSA)

  • Institute for Theoretical and Mathematical Ecology – The Institute focuses on research and pedagogy at the interface of mathematics and ecology.

  • Jerry Herman Ring Theatre – “The Ring” is the student theatre of the University of Miami.  The name grew out of the company's first in-the-round performance which placed the audience in a "ring" around the stage. After a complete renovation of the theatre house in 1996, the Ring has now returned to total flexibility and offer three different kinds of staging as well as three seating arrangements.  It houses the Alvin Sherman Family Stage and provide student productions from the Department of Theatre Arts throughout the year.

  • John C. Gifford Arboretum – Since 1947, the Arboretum has collected and displayed a broad selection of native trees and plants for researchers and the general public.

  • Linda Ray Intervention Center – The LRIC provides research-infused early intervention services to babies and toddlers with developmental delays born prenatally cocaine exposed. Evidence-based wrap-around services for the target population include: parenting programs, Child-Parent Psychotherapy, specialized services for teen parents and training is disseminated to community stakeholders at the local, state and national levels pursuant to the needs of high-risk children.

  • Lowe Art Museum – The mission of the Lowe Art Museum, the art museum of the University of Miami, is to serve the University, the Greater South Florida communities, and national and international visitors as a teaching and exhibiting resource through its permanent and borrowed collections.

  • Wynwood Gallery – The University of Miami off-campus gallery is located in the historic Wynwood Art District. 

  • Zebrafish Core Facility – The aim of the College of Arts and Science Zebrafish Core Facility is to provide the University of Miami and South Florida communities with zebrafish embryos, larvae and adult zebrafish for research and teaching.
