Joshua Myers

"Don’t let your fear of rejection or failure stop you from trying new things."

who are u

Joshua Myers is a double major in Philosophy and Psychology from Maryland. He is interested in how the mind works and is passionate about philosophical research. Joshua is looking forward to becoming a professor of philosophy.


Joshua Myers
Joshua Myers
Major: PhilosophyPsychology

What is the best part about being in your major?

Majoring in philosophy has trained me to think rigorously and to clearly formulate and critique arguments. These are skills that I have found to be applicable even far beyond the classroom. Furthermore, working on the border of philosophy and psychology has allowed me to incorporate findings and methods from both fields to gain a deeper understanding of how the mind works.


What accomplishments/achievements while at UM are you most proud of?

I am most proud of the many conferences I have had the honor of presenting at. I was able present papers on philosophy of mind, epistemology, and aesthetics to audiences across the country and meet leading scholars in my field. These experiences reinforced my passion for philosophical research.


What is your favorite UM memory?

My favorite UM memory are my experiences on the IMPACT Leadership Retreat. When I went on the retreat as a participant my freshman year it gave me the time to introspect on what I was passionate about and it completely catalyzed my college experience. I have had the honor of serving as a facilitator and coordinator each subsequent year and giving other freshman the same amazing experience I had has been the most rewarding thing I have done in college.


What influenced your UM education the most?

I have been really fortunate to have some amazing mentors during my time at UM. Dr. William Green has taught me the importance of conversation in thinking through ideas and the value of opening myself up to different methodologies and disciplines. Dr. Magdalena Balcerak Jackson has, more than any other professor, taught me how to do high level research in philosophy and develop my ideas in novel ways. She also mentored me through the very stressful grad school admission process. Finally, Andrew Wiemer has been my boss and advisor at the Butler Center for Service and Leadership and he has taught me the importance of using my knowledge and my passion to serve and give back to my community.


What are your plans after graduation?

I will be attending the PhD program in philosophy at New York University with the goal of becoming a professor of philosophy. I am especially interested in doing research in philosophy of mind, epistemology, and cognitive science.


What advice would you give a future ‘Cane?

I would tell them to be spontaneous and slightly impulsive in getting involved. There are so many opportunities on campus to do exciting things, and you don’t always know that you like something or are passionate about something until you try it. So show up and apply to things that you never thought you might enjoy. Don’t let your fear of rejection or failure stop you from trying new things. You’ll be surprised about what stays with you through your college career!


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April 24, 2017
