Academic Year Dissertation Award

Graduate Student Awards 2024-2025 Announcement

The College of Arts and Sciences is pleased to offer two programs to Ph.D. students in the College (Dean’s Summer Research Fellowships and Dean’s Academic Year Dissertation Awards). Both programs are designed to offer additional support to doctoral students in their research and dissertation work. These awards are highly competitive, with faculty review committees selecting the recipients in each of the main areas of the College (Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences). Key selection criteria will rely on the quality of the proposed research and the student’s achievement record. Students may apply for both awards but if selected for both can accept only one award.

Dean’s Academic Year Dissertation Award                                

This award provides a fellowship stipend for the 2024-2025 academic year. This fellowship relieves the student from any work obligation during the award period in order to focus on research and/or writing his/her dissertation. Students receiving this fellowship award are expected to complete and defend their dissertation no later than May 2025. Applications from students who started their graduate work before August 2020 will not be accepted, unless a justification is provided by the DGS in his/her letter. Previous awardees are not eligible. The number of awards will depend on available funding, but a minimum of six awards is anticipated.

Award: Academic year stipend at current departmental level

Application Deadline: December 11, 2023

Notification date: Late February 2024


Please submit the following materials with your application form: at

  1. Proposal Description (limited to 1500 words)
  2. List of publications, presentations, shows, exhibitions, or other scholarly work (please do not include any work in preparation)
  3. Unofficial Student Transcript
  4. Supporting letter from Research Advisor (to be emailed from advisor directly to:
  5. Endorsement letter from Director of Graduate Studies (to be emailed from the DGS directly to:

No hard copies will be accepted. For questions or further information call the Dean’s Office at 305-284-4117.

Fill out my online form.
