Isabella Antonini

"Put yourself out there in anything that you do."

who are u

Isabella Antonini is a double major in Computer Science and Psychology, with a minor in Modern Languages, from South Florida. She is involved in the commuter student community and is passionate about helping others.


Isabella Antonini
Isabella Antonini
Major: Computer SciencePsychology
Minor: Modern Languages

What’s the best part about being in your major(s)?

I think the best part of my majors is the fact that I have the opportunity to be extremely flexible with my career. In my opinion, understanding people and computers is essential for the future because both will always be present. Additionally, studying psychology allows me to understand people and therefore be more empathetic. One day, I hope to bring the two fields of study together and create something that will truly help people.

What is your main UM extracurricular activity and why is it important to you?

My main UM extracurricular activity is being a commuter. It sounds funny, but everything I have chosen to do is because of that fact. I work as a Commuter Assistant which is basically an RA (Resident Assistant) for first year commuter students. I am also part of two organizations with a large commuter population, Federación de Estudiantes Cubanos (FEC) and the Association of Commuter Students (ACS). I know how difficult it is to be a commuter student and helping other commuters find the sense of family that I have found is extremely important to me. On a different note, I also really enjoy taking yoga classes at the Wellness Center and using its other various facilities.

What accomplishments/achievements while at UM are you most proud of?

The achievements I am most proud of include being accepted into Programma Ponte 2017, a scholarship in which I study abroad in Pisa, Italy for two weeks, and that my essay on octopus intelligence was a finalist in the Audley Webster Memorial Essay Contest. I am also proud of leaving my comfort zone both academically and personally at UM. 

What influenced your Arts & Sciences education the most?

My education was influenced by the fact that the college of Arts and Sciences encourages students to discover their passions through study in various fields. The flexibility and the cognate system is what makes this approach possible–it was what helped me declare my majors and minor. 

What are your plans after graduation?

I am interested in furthering my education in psychology and computer science in graduate school and possibly earning a Ph.D in computer science, specializing in artificial intelligence. 

What advice would you give a future ‘Cane?

My advice would be to really put yourself out there in anything that you do. I struggled a bit my freshman year and it wasn't until I left my comfort zone that I was able to thrive at UM. Having the courage to take risks and be confident will take you far in life.


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April 24, 2017