
I am Professor of Philosophy at the University of Miami. A recent book of mine is Making Objects and Events: A Hylomorphic Theory of Artifacts, Actions, and Organisms. The book is largely about artifacts and I am now thinking more about making and creation, and about social ontology and the philosophy of literature. Before this current phase of research, I worked in epistemology. A previous book is Epistemic Dimensions of Personhood, which dealt with the ways in which what it is to be a person has specifically epistemological consequences.


My just-published book, A Certain Gesture: Evnine’s Batman Meme Project and Its Parerga!, is a radical, cross-genre work that combines philosophy (especially metaphysics and philosophy of language), psychoanalysis, and literary theory with self-writing. You can read about it here. I also have a blog about it, The Parergon, which, as its name suggests, is itself a parergon to the book.

On this site, you can find my CV, information about publications (with links to the full text of papers), some musical compositions from an earlier phase of my existence, extensive material on how Couperin’s piece “Les Barricades Mystérieuses” (The Mysterious Barricades) has been used by other creative artists, some translations of songs by the Italian singer-songwriter Fabrizio de André, and a translation of the philosophically interesting sonnet “S’i fosse foco” by Cecco Angiolieri.

And you can check out here my latest meme video, based on the Distracted Boyfriend meme, this one with music by me as well. (There are two more meme videos connected with the Batman Meme Project which you can view on the page devoted to that work.)

The Parergon: The Batman Meme Project Blog

“Really, really good. It might even be a masterpiece:” _A Certain Gesture_’s first review!

I am pleased to announce that A Certain Gesture: Evnine’s Batman Meme Project and Its Parerga! has just received its first review, published in a respectable philosophy periodical, Philosophy in Review. The review is by Nick Wiltsher of Uppsala University. The title of this post quotes the reviewer’s response to the book but, as wonderful …